Tuesday, November 6, 2012

One Year Anniversary

November 5, 2012

This week marks the first anniversary of our living aboard Barefoot.  It's been a very busy time, with preparing the boat for cruising twice, preparing for hurricane season once, cleaning out and selling our house, and actually cruising for seven months.  One of my main concerns about retiring and cruising was that I would miss the structure and the knowing that this is what I am expected to accomplish today.  During the past year, this has not been a concern, because we've had so much to do. 

But, I know that this year will be a bit different because we will not have easy access to the Internet for most of the winter.  And, we don't expect it to be as hectic as last year.  This year, we should feel more like retirees.

I love to read, and that fills many of the down times, but when I am engrossed in a book, I have a hard time putting it down.  I really wanted something that would be easy to stop and start but would not require power or Internet.  I decided to start knitting again, after a 20 - 30 year hiatus.  But, we don't really need mittens or scarfs, and I don't have enough patience to try a sweater.  I thought of knitting hats for preemies, but then decided that I would rather help to support fellow cancer warriors and make chemo caps.  I've made one so far...hopefully, in the spring I will have several to give to the cancer center.

Anchored in Pelican Bay
Cayo Costa Island
Lee County, FL
Map 2012-2013 Cruise

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