Monday, September 24, 2012

Where are you from?

September 24, 2012

Where are you from?  Always a simple question right?  Well we have recently been wrestling with how to answer this question.

Why so complicated you ask?  Well....

First we have sold our home in Fayetteville NY (closing in a couple of days).  So it does not seem accurate to respond Syracuse (Fayetteville).  The boat is now home.

We are legal Florida residents, but our residential address is that of our mailing service in Green Cove Springs, FL near St. Augustine.  That is the address on our driver's licenses, vehicle/vessel registrations, voter registrations, etc.  We could answer we live there, but we know nothing about the area and have little connection to it.

Our boat hails from Pineland, FL a small community on the west coast of Florida near Sanibel and Captiva.  We chose that as our hailing port because we own land there and hope to build a home there someday.  But somewhat like Green Cove Springs we do not currently have a strong connection with the area.

Our boat's home dock for the last 3 years has been in Bradenton, FL.  But we were away from here crusing last year for over 7 months and will similarly be away this year as we cruise to the Keys and Bahamas.  We plan to return here next summer, but may not after that.

So do we live in Fayetteville NY, Green Cove Springs FL, Pineland FL, Bradenton FL or somewhere else?

Joyce has settled on the quick answer of "We lived near Syracuse NY for 30 years and now live on our boat"

I am more undecided and am currently somewhere between "That is a tough question" to  "We live on our boat"

What do you think we should say?

Bradenton, FL

1 comment:

  1. I think Joyce is on to the literal answer - you are from Fayetteville. It is kind of like the question - "What do you do?" - as in where do you work - people are so comfortable asking that question. We tend back to our occupation for a kind of answer to 'who are you - what is important to you, etc.' I have always disliked that question because my income producing work, although rewarding, is far from defining who I am. I think the question, 'What do you do for fun?" So much more rewarding - the information you can gleen form someone when they share their hobbies, etc. is great.

    People asking you this question of "Where are you from" are just looking for an anchor to peg you to - I think now is the time that S/V is your anchor - we're travelers, we dock in Florida some and the Bahama's some, etc. I imagine this is a bit disorienting but in time - you'll perfect your answer. I'm just proud that you're able to live another dream in life!

    Our best - Chris and Geof
